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Motor third party liability insurance

All vehicles entered in the Traffic Register must have motor third party liability insurance. A motor third party liability insurance contract constitutes an obligatory liability insurance of the possessor of the vehicle and it is governed by the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act.

In the case of a traffic accident or another insured event, the insurer will indemnify the proprietary and personal damage caused by the possessor of the vehicle to the other persons involved in a traffic accident. A motor third party liability insurance contract can be entered into for a term of up to one year and it provides insurance cover in the countries of the European Economic Area and other green card countries.

The insurance payment consists of several different components. PZU Insurance takes into account the insurance risk posed by the policyholder when determining the insurance premium: for example, previous claims history (including history in other European Economic Area member states or Switzerland upon presenting a claims history certificate) and previous insurance history, as well as the risk associated with the vehicle: for example, the vehicle’s category, technical characteristics, usage method, and main area of use.

The target market of motor third party liability insurance comprises the owners and authorised users of vehicles entered in the Estonian Traffic Register who are obliged to enter into a motor third party liability insurance contract on the basis of the Motor Insurance Act.

Motor third party liability insurance may either be extended automatically
or not.

  • Automatically extended contract

      If you choose an automatically extended contract, we will send you a new a new policy before the expiry of the old policy. An automatically extended contract gives you the reassurance that your vehicle is always covered by insurance and you don’t have to worry about the validity of insurance or its expiry. If you do not wish to renew the contract or wish to terminate it, please contact your insurance consultant or the PZU Insurance customer service.

  • Contract that is not automatically extended

      If you choose a contract that is not automatically extended, you will have to keep an eye on the expiry date of the policy yourself, as a new policy will not be sent to you automatically when the old one expires. You will have to request a new policy yourself. In case of a contract that is not automatically extended, you can choose an insurance cover period of up to one year.

PZU Kindlustus is the recognised insurance partner of the Estonian Vehicle Dealers and Services Association for 2019!

PZU is AB "Lietuvos draudimas" Estonian Branch trademark in Estonia. AB "Lietuvos draudimas" is Lithuanian insurance company, that is part of the international PZU Group. Before entering into an insurance contract, please examine the terms and conditions or dial +372 622 4599 for additional information.