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+372 622 4599

Green card

The green card is an international motor third party liability insurance policy that we recommend to take with you when driving outside Estonia. The green card is obligatory when driving to a state that is not a member state of the European Economic Area, but where international motor third party liability insurance is mandatory. The green card is issued free of charge to the policyholder (except in the case of an insurance cover in Iran).

Information about Green Card countries and insurance rules can be found by using the map on the Council of Bureaux website.


  • As of 1 June 2023, the green cards issued for Estonian vehicles will no longer be valid in Russia and Belarus, even if the document indicates a longer insurance period. As of 1 June 2023, Estonian vehicles must have a Russian or Belarusian motor insurance contract to drive in Russia or Belarus.
  • As of 1 January 2024, the green cards issued for Estonian vehicles will no longer be valid in Iran, even if the document indicates a longer insurance period. Until then, it is only possible to purchase insurance cover for an additional fee.

As a private customer, you can download a green card from the self-service.
As a business customer, please contact  customer service.

PZU is AB "Lietuvos draudimas" Estonian Branch trademark in Estonia. AB "Lietuvos draudimas" is Lithuanian insurance company, that is part of the international PZU Group. Before entering into an insurance contract, please examine the terms and conditions or dial +372 622 4599 for additional information.