Compulsory Liability Insurance of Health Care Providers
The target market for compulsory liability insurance of health care providers in Estonia is self-employed persons and legal entities providing health care in Estonia who have been granted a licence under the Health Services Organisation Act.
Insurance obligation
According to the Compulsory Liability Insurance of Health Care Providers Act, all natural persons and legal entities that provide health care in Estonia must sign a liability insurance contract. The insurance cover must cover all health services for the provision of which the health care provider has been given the corresponding licences.
Insurance cover
The compulsory liability insurance of health care providers helps compensate for harm caused to a patient during the provision of health care, which has occurred during the treatment process (e.g. diagnosis, treatment, administration of medication, transport of the patient, etc.) and which could probably have been avoided. In order to request compensation, patients can contact the insurer directly instead of the health service provider.
Sums insured
The sum insured, i.e. the maximum claim to be compensated is €3 million per one-year insurance period, €300,000 per insured event and €100,000 per patient to whom the harm was caused, including the sum insured for non-pecuniary harm is €30,000 per insured event and €100,000 per injured patient.
PZU is AB "Lietuvos draudimas" Estonian Branch trademark in Estonia. AB "Lietuvos draudimas" is Lithuanian insurance company, that is part of the international PZU Group. Before entering into an insurance contract, please examine the terms and conditions or dial +372 622 4599 for additional information.